In Memory

Gordon Lundin

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07/23/13 08:57 PM #1    

Thomas Morrison

Gordy played the double B-flat tuba.

He also could swim underwater far longer than anyone I've ever known.

I am sorry to report that Gordy died in 1963.


08/19/13 01:16 PM #2    

Mildred Kiyo Takakoshi (Young)

Gordon and his brother, Roger, lived up the street from me.  He had a big back yard where we neighborhood kids gathered to play.  The only other one from our class that I remember was Paul Pearson.  Other than Gordon, Paul, and my older sister, Mary, the rest were a year or two younger -  my brother, Bill, John Lindley, and Mary Ann Millard come to mind.  Gordon was the low key leader and center of lots of fun for us kids.  He always included everyone.  You hear about kids today being mean to each other, but I can't recall any of us ever ganging up on anyone.  We all got along and had plain old fun.

Gordon's backyard covered a large part of the center of the block and ran behind the backyards of almost half of the homes on the block.  Our "playground" included a wooden chicken coop which made a great playhouse and anything else we conjured up.  Metal pipe scaffolding with 2x12 boards was our jungle gym. It mysteriously grew taller as we got older - probably thanks to his dad.    The backyard also included a hill where we would sled in the winter.   I'm going to have to go back there this September and see what it looks like now!

His mom, Kathryn, was the sweetest lady ever.  She got around our parents by refusing to answer to Mrs. Lundin, so all us kids got to call her Kathryn!  Gordon and Rodger had the first ever television set in the neighborhood. Kathryn extended a standing invitation to all us kids to come and watch Saturday morning cartoons!

As I remember it, I came home sometime during my freshman year in college, and Gordon had died from a burst appendix.  Of course, going up to talk to Kathryn, she was the calm and comforting one.


Kiyo Takakoshi (Young)



02/18/17 01:07 PM #3    

Paul M. Pearson

Very well written, Kiyo.  Gordy was a close friend from Jackson through East.  The memories of "our gang" are long and sweet.  I hope the years have been good to you, Mary, Bill and your families.  Paul.

11/20/17 06:52 AM #4    

John M (Jack) Carlson

What wonderful memories of Gordy and the neighborhood. We moved from it when I was 6 years old, but I returned as often as I was invited to someone's house.

Gordy's father owned a construction company and would usually park a giant cement mixer behind their home.  Gordon would often invite us over and always gave us the ok to climb all on it to pretend it was a giant train locomotive. All of knew that those things ran on gas and since we had none of the real thing, our only option  was to fill the tank with our "pretend gas"--sand!

I seem to remember that my parents told me it cost Mr. Lundin about $200 (in 1950 dollars) to have the gas tank replaced. As usual, Mrs. Lundin wrote off the situation with her usual take on life: no big deal since the kids had a really fun time playing with Gordy. My complicity in the event got me confined to our apartment for an entire week. Seemed like a year since Gordy, Paul Pearson, John Lindley and I were all just 4 or 5 years old. Gordy received only a caution about not repeating that activity.

Jack Carlson

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